Formerly Aemilianum Institute
Tel/Fax (56) 211-1297
Phone: (056) 211-2330
Industrial Technical Program
- Two-Year Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II
- One-Year Electrical Technology NC II
Mechanical Technology
Specialized in:
- Two-Year Automotive Servicing NC II
- One-Year Welding
- One-Year Machining
Master of Information Technology
- Four-Year Bachelor of Laws
- Five-Year B.S. in Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Five-Year B.S. in Computer Engineering
- Four-Year B.S. in Computer Science
- Four-Year Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Four-Year Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Four-Year B.S. in Office Administration
- Four-Year Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Four-Year Bachelor of Arts in Communication
- Four-Year Bachelor of Science of Information Technology
The Aemilianum College, a Roman Catholic school run by the Somanscan Fathers, takes its reason of existence from a man, St. Jerome Emiliani, who greatly contributed to the improvement of humanity. In a society marked by social classes, he, a noble and rich man, devoted himself to the poor, thus proclaiming the dignity and value of every human being.
The A. C. I. is a cradle where the students can achieve a broad, general and liberal quality education, aimed at developing their character, personal discipline, civic conscience and vocational efficiency.

The lower sector was the logo of the Emiliani Family in Venice and represents a handful of ripe wheat with the caption in Latin: “Ex Labore Fructus”, which translated means:
“Through hard work abundance of fruits”
The message is:
1. A Christian vision of our daily life. Studying is surely a burden, like a cross but if we carry it in the spirit of the resurrection we feel it as if it were light.
2. An invitation to become self supporting citizens. Each one must live on the fruit of his hands.
In a world projected into the third millennium, we see our students striving to become men and women prepared to live with the freedom of the children of God, contributing to the progress of the country and fulfilling their human and Christian vocation.
We, the A. C. I. Administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff, commit ourselves to the mission of educating our youth to become reliable citizens of this country, the Philippines, and the world around:
Reliable: - because they are educated to search for the truth and abide by it.
- because they are trained to work for the quality of their work.
- because their concern is like the kingdom of God.
The A. C. I. is a Catholic school with ecumenical spirit. We openly proclaim and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Roman Catholic
In a world projected into the third millennium, we see our students striving to become men and women prepared to live with the freedom of the children of God, contributing to the progress of the country and fulfilling their human and Christian vocation.
We, the A. C. I. Administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff, commit ourselves to the mission of educating our youth to become reliable citizens of this country, the Philippines, and the world around:
Reliable: - because they are educated to search for the truth and abide by it.
- because they are trained to work for the quality of their work.
- because their concern is like the kingdom of God.
The A. C. I. is a Catholic school with ecumenical spirit. We openly proclaim and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Roman Catholic
In line with the Charism of St. Jerome Emiliani, we promote the education of children and youth with a particular attention to the less privileged.
Faithful to our Christian vision we instill in the students: respect, fidelity and spirit of service to the Philippines and openness to the world.
"Work, Charity and Devotion are the foundations of our Institution". One these words pronounced by St. Jerome Emiliani, the Aemilianum College wants to fulfill its Mission pursuing the following goals:
1. Personal human development. Our students must be able to manifest and develop their skills, abilities and interests on the physical, intellectual and moral levels.
2. Social human development. Our students must be educated to a great sense of responsibility in order to become self supporting, community oriented, aware of the common good and prepared for social and civic commitments.
3. Christian development. Our students must find the best soil to develop their Christian faith and practice it following in the footsteps of St. Jerome Emiliani.
4. Academic development. Our students must be given the best environment and facilities in order to reach the academic standard that the society demands from them
The Director is the Chief Executive of the School. He has the authority in all the Department: Elementary, High School, Tertiary Level, Master Courses.
However for the sake of efficiency he delegates his authority of the High School to the H.S. Principal and the College Dean.
In order to achieve its goals, the Aemilianum college:
A. Provides personal attention to the students through the good office of the Class Advisers, the Guidance Counselor, the Principal and Dean.
B. Keeps in touch with Parents and Guardians.
C. Promotes Physical Education and Sports.
D. Promotes group activities with social involvement.
E. Offers regular classes of Christian Doctrine in all courses and all levels.
F. Offers the celebration of the Eucharist, Sacrament of reconciliation and good devotions.
Board of Directors
It is the highest policy making body of the school. It develops the procedures, processes and means of pursuing the goals and objectives of the school.
The Director is the Chief Executive of the School. He has the authority in all the Department: Elementary, High School, Tertiary Level, Master Courses.
However for the sake of efficiency he delegates his authority of the High School to the H.S. Principal and the College Dean.
1. Dean / Principal
The Dean / Principal directly implement the academic programs of the A.I. In their respective Departments. They make appropriate and necessary recommendations to the Director for the planning, development and enrichment of the school program
2. Registrar
He / She is in charge of the enrollment and the student’s permanents record. He/She secures and issues student transfer credentials And make studies related to enrollment and promotion of students. He/She has to work in coordination with the Dean and the Principal.
3. Level Coordinators
They have to implement the matters pertaining to the academic programs of the Grade School, High School and Tertiary level Departments, and make the necessary planning, recommendations and development in their programs.
4. Program Heads
They supervise the members of the faculty in their respective subject areas and are responsible for the development and enrichment of their syllabi and co-
curricular programs of their respective subject area. They say to it that learning materials are properly prepared and regularly upgraded.
5. Class Adviser
They are the teachers assigned to administer and supervise the homeroom organization and guidance activities of each class, together with the Guidance Counselor. In H.S they also prepare the Report Cards of the class.
6. Subject Teacher
They carry out the school’s objectives in the learning process and growth of the students in the various subject areas through appropriate instructional methods and materials.
7. Coordinator of Students Affairs
He / She are responsible for the character building and discipline of the students, working hand in hand with the Director, Academic Officer / Principal and level Coordinators.
He / She conduct investigations of all disciplinary cases and acts on them in accordance with prescribed policies and procedures.
He / She is responsible for the planning, coordinating effective implementation and evaluation of the school’s co-curricular activities.
8. Club Moderators
They plan, implement, supervise and evaluate the activities of the club under their charge.
The Administrative Officer is directly responsible to the Director regarding the maintenance and physical operations of the school. All non teaching staff are directly under his supervision.
He is in charge of the payment of salaries and disbursements.
In charge of the payments to the school and the Accounting Department. Responsible for the financial documents and other accounting records
1. Guidance Counselor
The Guidance Office plans, organizes, supervises and implements the school’s guidance program. He handles referral cases for counseling and consultation with the Director, parents, and teachers. He administers psychological tests and achievement test to the students and interprets the results. He keeps individual cumulative records and coordinates with the other school officials regarding activities with academic and co-curricular implications.
2. Librarian
She administers the operations of the library. She coordinates with the Director, Academic Officer and faculty in upgrading and acquisition of materials for the library.
3. School Physician
The school physician takes charge of the healt care of the students and personnel while they are in school.
4. School Dentist
The Dentist is mainly responsible for providing the students and personnel a check up and immediate dental service when needed.
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