Friday, March 23, 2012

Life of St. Jerome Emiliani

Jerome was born in Venice, the son of Angelo Emiliani (popularly called Miani) and Eleonore Mauroceni. He joined the army and, in 1508, defended Castelnuovo against the League of Cambray. Taken prisoner and miraculously liberated, he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Treviso, in fulfillment of a vow. He was then appointed podestà (Venetian magistrate) of Castelnuovo, but after a short time returned to Venice to supervise the education of his nephews. All his spare time was devoted to the study of theology and to works of charity.
The hospitals and the hovels of the poor were his favorite resorts. In the year of plague and famine (1528), he seemed to be everywhere and showed his zeal, especially for the orphans, whose number had so greatly increased. He rented a house for them near the church of St. Rose and, with the assistance of some pious laymen, ministered to their wants. To his charge was also committed the hospital for incurables, founded by St. Cajetan. In 1531 he went to Verona and induced the citizens to build a hospital; at Brescia and at Bergamo, he erected orphanages, one for boys and another for girls. Here also he founded the first home for repentant prostitutes.
Two priests, Alessandro Besuzio and Agostino Bariso, then joined him in his labors of charity, and in 1532 Gerolamo founded a religious society, placing the motherhouse at Somasca, a secluded North Italian hamlet in the Comune of Vercurago between Milan and Bergamo, after which the members became known as Somaschi. In the Rule of this Society, Gerolamo stated the principal work of the community was the care of orphans, poor and sick, and demanded that dwellings, food and clothing would bear the mark of religious poverty.
St Jerome fell a martyr to his zeal; contracting a disease at Bergamo, he died at Somasca in 1537.


        Saint Jerome (or miani) was born in Venice, in 1486, the son of Angelo and Dionora Morosini. His Father died when he was very young and he was well educated in the Christian faith by his mother, a most noble woman.

In 1506, he entered public life, dedicating himself chiefly to the Army. A soldier of the most Serene Republic, in 1511, he was sent to the fortress of castelnuovo, in Quero, on the Piave River, as Commander of the Castle.

        War raged between the Republic of Venice and the State that had adhered to the league of Cambrai. A large contingent of troops of Maximilian of Austria laid siege to the fortress. The garrison resisted bravely but finally had to surrender, August 27,1511

       The few survivors were made prisoners, the Commander thrown in chains in the underground passage of the fortress, destined, no doubt, to certain death. However, God’s mercy awaited him there.

        Humiliated, in prison, Jerome experienced complete inner transformation. He realized the vanity of human ambitions, acknowledged the errors of his youth that had been spent in pleasures. He begged aid from the mother in heaven he had invoked so often when a child.

        And the Virgin appeared to him. Unseen, she accompanied him by the enemy sentry, on the road to civilian liberty and a definite return to God. In fact, in Treviso, at the sanctuary of the Madonna  Grande, Jerome made  a definite decision to dedicate himself entirely to the service of God and fellow man.

             Returning to Venice, he gave his patrimony to the poor and joined the companions of Divine Love who dedicated themselves chiefly to assisting incurables. Thereafter, he went to hospitals, bringing the comfort of his charity and of his faith.

        In this service, he contracted a serious illness, but he overcome it, thanks to his strong constitution, and with renewed fervor he resumed his charitable work.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Formerly Aemilianum Institute
Tel/Fax (56) 211-1297
Phone: (056) 211-2330


Industrial Technical Program
  • Two-Year Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II
  • One-Year Electrical Technology NC II

Mechanical Technology
Specialized in:
  • Two-Year  Automotive Servicing NC II
  • One-Year Welding
  • One-Year Machining

Master of Information Technology
  • Four-Year Bachelor of Laws
  • Five-Year B.S. in Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Five-Year B.S. in Computer Engineering
  • Four-Year B.S.  in Computer Science
  • Four-Year Bachelor of Elementary Education
  • Four-Year Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
  • Four-Year B.S. in Office Administration
  • Four-Year  Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
  • Four-Year Bachelor of Arts in Communication
  • Four-Year  Bachelor of Science of Information Technology

       The Aemilianum College, a Roman Catholic school run by the Somanscan Fathers, takes its reason of existence from a man, St. Jerome Emiliani, who greatly contributed to the improvement of humanity. In a society marked by social classes, he, a noble and rich man, devoted himself to the poor, thus proclaiming the dignity and value of every human being.
       The A. C. I. is a cradle where the students can achieve a broad, general and liberal quality education, aimed at developing their character, personal discipline, civic conscience and vocational efficiency.


            The school seal is divided into two sectors. The upper one is taken from the seal of the Somascan Fathers and represents Jesus Christ carrying the cross quoting the Gospel in Latin: “, which means: “My burden is light”.

            The lower sector was the logo of the Emiliani Family in Venice and represents a handful of ripe wheat with the caption in Latin: “Ex Labore Fructus”, which translated means:
                                                       “Through hard work abundance of fruits”

The message is:

1. A Christian vision of our daily life. Studying is surely a burden, like a cross but if we carry it in the spirit of the resurrection we feel it as if it were light.
2. An invitation to become self supporting citizens. Each one must live on the fruit of his hands.


     In a world projected into the third millennium, we see our students striving to become men and women prepared to live with the freedom of the children of God, contributing to the progress of the country and fulfilling their human and Christian vocation.


       We, the A. C. I. Administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff, commit ourselves to the mission of educating our youth to become reliable citizens of this country, the Philippines, and the world around:

Reliable: - because they are educated to search for the truth and abide by it.

                  - because they are trained to work for the quality of their work.

                  - because their concern is like the kingdom of God.

The A. C. I. is a Catholic school with ecumenical spirit. We openly proclaim and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Roman Catholic

In line with the Charism of St. Jerome Emiliani, we promote the education of children and youth with a particular attention to the less privileged.

Faithful to our Christian vision we instill in the students: respect, fidelity and spirit of service to the Philippines and openness to the world.


"Work, Charity and Devotion are the foundations of our Institution". One these words pronounced by St. Jerome Emiliani, the Aemilianum College wants to fulfill its Mission pursuing the following goals:

1.      Personal human development. Our students must be able to manifest and develop their skills, abilities and interests on the physical, intellectual and moral levels.
2.      Social human development. Our students must be educated to a great sense of responsibility in order to become self supporting, community oriented, aware of the common good and prepared for social and civic commitments.
3.      Christian development. Our students must find the best soil to develop their Christian faith and practice it following in the footsteps of St. Jerome Emiliani.
4.      Academic development. Our students must be given the best environment and facilities in order to reach the academic standard that the society demands from them

 In order to achieve its goals, the Aemilianum college:
A. Provides personal attention to the students through the good office of the Class  Advisers, the Guidance Counselor, the Principal and Dean.
B. Keeps in touch with Parents and Guardians.
C. Promotes Physical Education and Sports.
D. Promotes group activities with social involvement.
E. Offers regular classes of Christian Doctrine in all courses and all levels.
F. Offers the celebration of the Eucharist, Sacrament of reconciliation and good devotions.
G. Provides the best facilities for lecture and laboratory classes.


Board  of  Directors
         It is the highest policy making body of the school. It develops the procedures, processes and means of pursuing the goals and objectives of the school.

          The Director is the Chief Executive of the School. He has the authority in all the Department: Elementary, High School, Tertiary Level, Master Courses.
However for the sake of efficiency he delegates his authority of the High School to the H.S. Principal and the College Dean.

1. Dean / Principal
                  The Dean / Principal directly implement the academic programs of the A.I. In their respective Departments. They make appropriate and necessary recommendations to the Director for the planning, development and enrichment of the school program

2.  Registrar
             He / She is in charge of the enrollment and the student’s permanents record. He/She secures and issues student transfer credentials And make studies related to enrollment and promotion of students. He/She has to work in coordination with the Dean and the Principal.
3. Level Coordinators
                They have to implement the matters pertaining to the academic programs of the Grade School, High School and Tertiary level Departments, and make the necessary planning, recommendations and development in their programs.
4.  Program Heads
               They supervise the members of the faculty in their respective subject areas and are responsible for the development and enrichment of their syllabi and co-
curricular programs of their respective subject area. They say to it that learning materials are properly prepared and regularly upgraded.
5. Class Adviser
         They are the teachers assigned to administer and supervise the homeroom organization and guidance activities of each class, together with the Guidance Counselor. In H.S they also prepare the Report Cards of the class.

6. Subject Teacher
               They carry out the school’s objectives in the learning process and growth of the students in the various subject areas through appropriate instructional methods and materials.

7. Coordinator of Students Affairs
           He / She are responsible for the character building and discipline of the students, working hand in hand with the Director, Academic Officer / Principal and level Coordinators.
       He / She conduct investigations of all disciplinary cases and acts on them in accordance with prescribed policies and procedures.  
              He / She is responsible for the planning, coordinating effective implementation and evaluation of the school’s co-curricular activities.

8. Club Moderators
            They plan, implement, supervise and evaluate the activities of the club under their charge.

           The Administrative Officer is directly responsible to the Director regarding the maintenance and physical operations of the school. All  non teaching staff  are directly under his supervision.


He is in charge of the payment of salaries and disbursements.


In charge of the payments to the school and the Accounting Department. Responsible for the financial documents and other accounting records


1.  Guidance Counselor 

              The Guidance Office plans, organizes, supervises and implements the school’s guidance program. He handles referral cases for counseling and consultation with the Director, parents, and teachers. He administers psychological tests and achievement test to the students and interprets the results. He keeps individual  cumulative  records and coordinates with the other school officials regarding activities with academic and co-curricular implications.
2. Librarian

              She administers the operations of the library. She coordinates with the Director, Academic Officer and faculty in upgrading and acquisition of materials for the library.

3. School Physician

              The school physician takes charge of the healt care of the students and personnel while they are in school.

4. School Dentist
              The Dentist is mainly responsible for providing the students and personnel a check up and immediate dental service when needed.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The City of Sorsogon

Sorsogon City is a 2nd class city in Sorsogon, Philippines. It is the capital city of the province of Sorsogon The city is located at southernmost tip province of Luzon. This city was formed by merging the Bacon and Sorsogon towns. The city serves a trans-shipment point from the Visayas and Mindanao provinces. The city is also dubbed as "Gateway to Southern Philippines". Sorsogon City is one of the region’s leading cities in urbanization, Bicol's largest city in terms of land area and one of its most populous cities as well.

History of Sorsogon

Sorsogon City was created by virtue of Republic Act 8806 which was enacted on August 16, 2000 and ratified in December 2000.
Prominent politicians of the locality behind its creation were former Sorsogon 1st District Representative and now Senator Francis Escudero and former Bacon Municipal Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda. Former Bacon Vice-Mayor Aurelio Destacamento, joined by former Sorsogon councilors Antonio C. Detera, Azel Diesta and Telo Mella fought before the two local legislative chambers, for the approval of appropriation ordinances providing budget for the holding of its plebiscite.
Prior to its ratification, a petition to declare RA 8806 null and void was filed by lawyer Atty. Gil Gojol. Because Bacon municipality was enjoined as one of the respondents in said petition, a young practicing lawyer from Buenavista, Bacon District, in the name of Atty. Glenn Olbes, defended its constitutionality. The legal battle for its constitutionality was upheld later on by a majority decision of the Sorsoguenos who desire for the development of the newly created local government unit.
Opponents for its ratification were incumbent Governor Raul R. Lee and his wife, Sally A. Lee who became its first contested City Mayor.
According to the 2007 census, the city has a population of 151,454 people spread across 64 barangays.


Aerial View of Sorsogon City
The Bay City Sorsogon, that is currently being built at the coast of Barangay Balogo will definitely have a huge impact on the economic growth of the city. It is a priority project of LKY Development Corporation, a privately-owned real estate company. The Bay City Sorsogon includes a Commercial Complex, Five Star Hotel, Coliseum, Outdoor Dining Area, a Central Bus Terminal and a lot more. The excavation of this 16-hectare property just started during the last quarter of 2010 and the completion is expected by the 3rd quarter of 2011.
It host most of the banks around the province like Landbank of the Philippines, Metrobank, Allied Bank, Bank of the Philippine Islands, Development Bank of the Philippines, United Coconut Planters Bank, Chinabank, Philippine National Bank, Camalig Bank, BDO UniBank, Postal Bank, Producers Bank and Green Bank Inc.


  • Religion – 95% Roman Catholic
  • Labor Force – 56% of the total population, 1/4 of the over-15 years old is, at least, high-school graduate, 15% of the total workforce have college-level education
  • Population Growth Rate – 2.15% (1995–2000)
  • Voting Age Population – 58,235
  • Projected Population on 2012 – 173,878


The proposed Sorsogon Business and Leisure Park is a 20 hectare reclamation area linking the 3-hectare Pinaculan Island to the Sorsogon Pier in Sorsogon Bay, forming part of the expansion area of the Sorsogon City's central business district. The area shall have a rock causeway and seawall, complete with wide and well-paved roads, underground electrical and telephone systems and water supply. Low, medium and high density zones shall be identified for business establishments, plants and factories, including a central park.
This is located in Barangay Bucal-Bucalan along the national highway, about 15–20 minutes away by car from the center of the City. Already in place is a small rest area for travelers, complete with a mini-park and a small canteen with a view deck. The proposed development of the area involves the construction of a seafood trading and rest facility, complete with seafood stalls, bayside restaurants and cafes, and adequate parking space. The food stalls and restaurants will specialize in fresh blue crabs which Sorsogon is known for. Customers can have their pick of crabs and other seafood from the stalls and have them cooked at the adjacent restaurants or open air grill shops.

Television/Radio Stations

AM Stations
  • DZMS – 1251 Sorsogon (Media kan Sorsogon)
  • DZZH – 1287 Sorsogon (Manila Broadcasting Company)
  • DZRS – 1263 Sorsogon

FM Stations

Places of interest

  • Bucalbucalan Spring – Natural cold spring located in Brgy. Bucalbucalan, a coastal barangay near Pepita Park and Rest Area.
Sorsogon Provincial Museum and Heritage Center
Tolongapo Beach – located in Bacon district
One of the cottages in Tolongapo Beach, overlooking Pacific Ocean.
  • Danao Lake – this is located in Bacon District, near Brgy. San Juan. However, it's also accessible by foot from the side of Brgy. Guinlajon.
  • Paroja Hill and Grotto – across Pepita Park
  • Pepita Park and Rest Area – traveler's area, approx. 10 km north of city proper
  • Sorsogon Bay Walk (also known as Rempeolas)
  • Beaches of Bacon
  • Sorsogon Provincial Capitol and Rizal Park – located in city proper. The provincial capitol dated back during the American occupation.
  • Sorsogon Provincial Museum and Heritage Center – located in the old Sorsogon Provincial Hospital. It has 3 galleries, with a library, containing large collection of old Mr & Ms magazines.
  • Rimpulas

Public Safety

  • 88 PNP personnel
  • 20 traffic aides and barangay traffic aides
  • Minimum 8 inmates a month
  • 19 firefighters
  • 2 fire trucks and equipments
  • 2 Fil-Chi fire trucks and 20 fire volunteers
  • Disaster preparedness – CDCC, BDCC, Sorsogon Emergency Rescue Team

People From Sorsogon City

  • Asisclo Jimenez – Great Zarzuelista
  • Eddie Garcia – Film actor and director
  • Eugenia Apostol (sister of former Sorsogon Mayor Duran) – one of the founders of Philippine Daily Inquirer
  • Francis "Chiz" G. Escudero – former congressman, and now senator of the 15th Congress.
  • Harry Reed – Thomasite assigned in Brgy. Guingalon (now Guinlajon)
  • Jorge Barlin – First Filipino and Bikolano Bishop and was assigned parish priest and Vicar Forane of Sorsogon from 1887 to 1906.
  • Loida Nicolas-Lewis – Born and raised in Sorsogon. Lewis is the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of TLC Beatrice, LLC, the Lewis Family investment firm and is also Chairman and CEO of TLC Beatrice (China), Limited, a Cayman company which operates retail convenience stores in five major cities in China and TLC Beatrice Foods (Philippines) which operates a fresh meat processing plant.
  • Mary Walter – actress, whose career spanned through several decades. She was born in Bacon.
  • Sally Lee (Bibincahan, Sorsogon City) – first Mayor of the city of Sorsogon and former Governor of the province of Sorsogon
  • Gerry Barba aka DJ Bazura is born and raised in Bibincahan Sorsogon- amateur philosopher and independent short video specialist.He was the official announcer in the first ever Sorsogon extreme games competition specifically in the skim board category.
  • Salvador Escudero Sr. – former Provincial Governor of Sorsogon and was a guerilla leader during the Japanese occupation. He was fondly called Gurang (old man in Bikol) by the local folks.Sorsogon's PNP Provincial Office along Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City, is named after him.
  • Salvador Escudero III – Former Minister of Ministry of Agriculture during the time of late President Marcos. He is also the father of Senator Chiz Escudero. Finally, he's the incumbent Congressman for the 1st district of province of Sorsogon.
  • Vicente L. Peralta – late congressman of Sorsogon City. A hospital in Castilla was named after him.